
ORIE estimates the potential for converting office space into housing in the Paris Region at 150,000 units.

The observatory points out that demolition-reconstruction will be needed to produce the same number of housing units.
Paris Skyline (CoStar)
Paris Skyline (CoStar)
Business Immo
February 11, 2025 | 6:00 AM

Translated from French.

TheObservatoire régional de l'immobilier d'entreprise en Île-de-France (ORIE) estimates that converting obsolete office space would create up to 150,000 housing units for 340,000 people in the Paris region. Of course, not all areas are created equal. That's why ORIE has identified three types of areas where office recycling is more or less feasible, based on a rating scale ranging from -1 to +1, combining tertiary dynamics, residential dynamics and economic feasibility.

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