
Nearly half of social landlords audited lack resources for energy renovation

Ancols' findings are based on inspections carried out in 2024 at 30 landlords, representing a total of 750,000 housing units.
The most energy-intensive homes, with an F or G label, account for 7.4% of social housing, half as many as in the private sector (Adobe Stock)
The most energy-intensive homes, with an F or G label, account for 7.4% of social housing, half as many as in the private sector (Adobe Stock)
March 25, 2025 | 3:37 P.M.

Translated from French.

The Agence nationale de contrôle du logement social (Ancols) has found that 14 of the 30 social landlords inspected lack the "operational capacity" to carry out the necessary thermal renovation work on their social housing stock.

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